Friday, June 20, 2008

An Alien Has Taken Over My Body

OK. Don't read this if you are weak stomached, but I was changing my shirt today and looked down. I don't know if the light had hit them just right or if I had just not bothered to look down in a very long time, but my nipples have grown freakishly long hairs on them. Now I've always heard that this is something that is caused by pregnancy. So, since I am not pregnant, nor have I ever been, I thought my nipples were safe. Here's the deal. I quit smoking years ago. I eat healthy. I take vitamins. WTH else do I need to do to keep my body from totally taking on a mind of its own and turning into Bigfoot. And yes, my feet have even grown a size in the last few years. I know your hips get a little wider to prepare you for your childbearing years, but mine have moved to opposite sides of the country. Their going to have to squeeze them together so my children don't get lost on their way down, or slide out so fast they land on the ground. I hear your ears and your nose get bigger too. I already can't pin my hair back because my Kate Hudson ears stick too far out, and I'm already saving for my nose job and now you're telling me that they're going to get even bigger? I just had to share. I hate getting older sometimes. I was talking to a friend of mine today and he was telling me how his ex girlfriend (20) dated a 31 year old and it grossed him out. I was like, "Hello, I'm almost his age! Do you think I'm gross too?"
I just had to get that off my chest, no pun intended. Actually, it kinda was.


floridamamma said...

Getting older is not so bad.. We are getting wiser. And yes your body start to majorly change as you get closer to your 30's and it is not abnormal to get hair growth in odd places. I had the 1 or 2 hairs on my nipples too and i just yanked them out:) It is strange that I also get the oddishly long hair right under my chin and it grows in the same spot every year - its strange... but i wouldnt call myself an alien only human.. I want to tell you if you are already hard on yourself now just think what you are going to be like in your senior years.. Sarah, you are so beautiful and intellegent, have a loving boyfriend and friends, and have this glowing aura and most of all an awesome sense of humor.. with all those great qualities mixed in one makes one fabulous woman! Dont worry so much about the little things about your looks.. just make the most out of life by being happy with who you are and what you have become!

Tiff said...

Oh, the joys of becoming a true woman! That's why God invented laser hair removal. I'm saving for a boob lift and if I'm brave enough a tummy tuck or liposuction or something to help with the baby belly. My moles are getting bigger! Wth is that about? You are beautiful!

Tasha said...

Girl, You so dont need to worry about how you look! You look fabulous, and we ALL have hair in weird places. But ITA with Tiff- laser hair removal! LOL. You know I'm all about doing what you need to make you feel better. :P

** said...

Why do I have a beard, thats all I have to say. I turn 34 in August.
