Saturday, August 9, 2008

I'm Home!

I'm finally unpacked and getting settled into my new place. My dog and cat are having some issues. It appears that they seem to be getting lonely while I am at work, so they have started a war with each other. The dog ate all of the cats food in his self feeder, then she chewed up his favorite toy and shredded it into tiny little pieces all over the floor. Since the cat didn't have any food, I gave him some treats to tie him over, and the dog ate those too. Only she didn't eat them right away, she waited until I had left the room and gobbled all of them up. The cat is now severely pissed. So, I'm doing laundry and cleaning out my closet when I hear the dog yelp. I call her and check on her, she seems fine, but terrified. I hang up more laundry, I hear the dog yelping again, I turn around to see my cat chasing my dog around the house pawing at her back legs! I think they might be even now. Here's a video of what they look like. Eventhough it's not my dog and cat, you get the picture. Ha ha.