Monday, July 13, 2009

House Shopping

Kevin and I went house shopping today for the first time. It was very fun, but in 103 degrees it was at times miserable. Here's how hot it is here. We stopped to get gas and I ran inside with my debit card to grab us some drinks. I didn't have cash on me. After I got inside I saw a sign that 32oz drinks were only .52 cents. As I sat our drinks on the counter I told the guy I was just going to run to my car to grab some change so I didn't have to put it on my card. Two different people inside the store offered to give me money so I didn't have to run back outside in this godawful heat. You've gotta love Oklahomans sometimes. They can be backwoods hicks, but they can also be very sweet.
Wish us luck at we continue to search for the place to raise our four children. For those of you living in other states, we can purchase a 1500-2000 square foot house for less than $140,000 WITH granite counter tops and raised ceilings. Crazy, huh.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I'm Getting What?!

Yes, I'm getting married. However, I can't seem to make a single decision about the wedding. For instance, "Where should we get married?" Well, where we get married depends on When we get married, and when we get married depends on how much money we can muster up. How much money we can save on depends on if we can buy a house before November. You getting the picture? I am very excited to get married, but honestly I could bring my immediate family, 4 of my closest friends together and do it tomorrow. I don't really need all the stress of planning a wedding to make me happy. I just want the vacation that follows the wedding. Oh ya, but that depends on where we decide to have the wedding. Sheesh!