Tuesday, June 10, 2008

30 Questions

1. Favorite Person - Anyone who makes me laugh
2. Favorite Food - Anything pasta and cheesy
3. Quirks about you - I'm very weird about noises. I hate hearing people eat, clipping their toenails, scraping their teeth on their forks. I get goose bumps and I go crazy. No you don't understand. I go CRAZY.
4. How would the person who loves you most describe you in ten words or less? - Strong willed, kind, hard-worker, neat freak, nutty, sarcastic and maybe even funny.
5. Any regrets in life? - Marrying the wrong person :,(
6. Favorite charity/cause - I raise money for St. Judes every year. I'm also interested in helping abused women, children who can't read and MS (my dad died from MS).
7. Favorite Blog - My Sister-in-law Tasha's Housewife Diaries. It makes me feel closer to my family when they are so far away.
8. Something you can't get enough of - Sleep.
9. Worst job you ever had - I worked at a Vet Clinic, and yes Becky we expressed anal glands there. LOL.
10. What job would you pay NOT to have - trash collection. EEEW.
11. If you could be a fly on the wall anywhere, where would it be - in a greenhouse, because I think if I was a fly I would like flowers, wait that's bees. Flies like shit, so maybe a barn somewhere with lots of poo.
12. ***Breaking News: My boss, who I think is awesome, just put in his notice. Sniff sniff.
13. Guilty pleasure - Dessert. I have to have a dessert every night about 9:30. I try to keep low calorie desserts on hand because I know the craving will come.
14. Got any confessions? - Not that I care to confess. I've only voted once. I know. It's awful and I'm ashamed.
15. If you had $1000 to spend on YOURSELF, what would you spend it on - Down payment on my nose job.
16. Favorite thing about your house - I don't have to mow the lawn and it is in the center of everything.
17. Least favorite thing - It floods and I don't own it.
18. One thing you are bad at - apologizing and pda.
19. If you could change one thing about your current circumstances what would it be - I want to own my own house.
20. Who would you like to meet someday - Ellen Degeneres. She makes me laugh everyday and I love her for that.
21. What makes you feel sexy - high heels!
22. Who is your real life hero - my sister.
23. What is the hardest part of your job - not being able to be friends with anybody there and not getting too stressed out when I'm having a rough shift.
24. When are you most relaxed - when I'm laying out by the pool.
25. What stresses you out - money. It's always money.
26. What can you NOT live without - lipgloss. I'm addicted.
27. Do you agree or disagree with the recent article that reported that blogs are authored by narcissists - disagree, but I do also post a lot of pictures on my Myspace.
28. Why do you blog - for fun. As an escape where I can get my feelings out.
29. Who are you tagging -
30. What were you doing 10 years ago - Going to college, working 3 jobs to support myself and dating my future ex-husband and some other things I'm not so proud of.


Tiff said...

#4: beautiful, kind, smart, diva, holds her own, high-spirited, charasmatic, down-to-earth, loving, helpful, etc.

** said...

Anal glands, I'm going to vomit. VOMIT I say!!

Tasha said...

That was fun!

floridamamma said...

What is tagging all about? what does that mean.. I want to tag you back.. this is fun.. I just LOVE playing Tag! You're It!

Eric Hatheway said...
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