Thursday, March 26, 2009

Was That You?

About 5 o'clock this morning I woke up to the loudest, most obnoxious snoring you can imagine. Imagine somebody clearing their sinuses and hacking a loogie all at the same time. I have no idea how to spell loogie. In fact, I just realized that is the first time I've ever written that word. Anyway, back to my story. I let out a big sigh. Then, I proceeded to roll over pretending my body was square in shape and top it off with a swift bed kick at the end just in case I hadn't already wiggled the bed enough. The snoring continues. I sigh again. GNGNNAHAHAHAHAAshshsshshsnghghghghshhh!! I'm starting to get pretty annoyed by this point. Still not working. I sit up chug some water letting the glass slam down on the coaster on the nightstand and still I hear GNGNGNGHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Finally I had had enough! I reach over and calmly place my hand on my boyfriend's chest and wiggle it side to side to jolt him awake. To my surprise he began laughing.
"Sweetheart, that's not me! That's Miha (our Boston Terrier sleeping in between us), but thanks for the love pat!"


PorkStar said...

hahahaha that was awesome lol

floridamamma said...

try grinding teeth at night.. Every time sebastian ends up sleeping with me he grinds his teeth so bad that I do the same thing- shake him to make it stop.. I really need to take him to the dentist to get that checked out!