Times are tough, but a true Diva must always be able to play like a Diva. I've come up with a few tips, based on my experiences on how one can still have fun on a not so Diva budget.
1. Have a friend who has access to company bought tickets. In my case it was hockey tickets. They were even located right behind all the players, so we were right in the middle of all the auction. Two things must be done to make this an even better experience. Invite your cute nephew who thinks the goalee's are Transformers and your sister to help you make fun of all the crazy people, and sneak left over candy from Halloween.
Money Spent: $0

2. While at the free hockey game take advantage of the people passing out free $10 coupons to use at the nearby casino. The next day find a friend and head to the casino. Another very important thing to observe here. Most casinos have a Ladies' Night where you get $10 to play on just for showing up. Play the nickel machines on that $20 until you are in the positive and walk away ladies. Do enjoy free drinks provided by the casino while you are racking up those bucks.
Money Spent:-$7. That's right ladies. I made $7 while having a great time.
3. Don't throw away those coupons Victoria's Secret sends in the mail for free panties, because after a long morning at the Casino, shopping sounds fun. Take your coupon and head to Victoria's Secret. Freshen up your make up and get rid of the casino smell with all of their fun samples and make your self look beautiful. Next head over to the panties and grab your free pair. Not only do you get to walk away with free panties, but you also get to walk around the mall with an adorable pink bag with a perfectly tied little pink ribbon to remind people you aren't just at the mall to look. You could totally buy $7.50 panties, if you felt like it.
Money Spent: -$7.50. That's right ladies. I just made more money.
4. So you and your friend (a cute boy if you can find one) are hungry from all that shopping and are starving. You're smelling beautiful and all dolled up from the "play with me" items at Victoria's Secret. Take the money you earned at the casino and pair it with the money your friend made at the casino. Stop by Wal-Mart for your favorite $5 pizza. Also stop at the liquor store and split a six pack of beer. We chose the around-the-world option so we could both get what we wanted. Head home and stick the pizza in the oven, drink your beer and get out those board games.
Money Spent: $6.50 (used casino earnings)
So, there you have it ladies. An entire Diva day on a not-so-Diva budget. If you have any other ideas, I would love to hear them!
You are the Diva of livin' free! Love ya!! xoxoxo
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