Ok, it's time to face the facts. I've put on a few pounds and the Holidays aren't even here yet. My tummy is constantly sticking out more than I would like to admit. I think I noticed it when I went to take a di
uretic to get rid of the pooch and nothing happened. I'm looking for advice. I don't care whether it's work out tips, a liquid diet or eating nothing but green beans, I want know what you have tried that has worked for you. Please help. I realize that eating raw cupcake dough like I am in this picture with my nephew is a no no, but I couldn't rob my nephew of this experience on his birthday! I also wanted to give you a visual of the pooch so you will be inspired to help me.

If you find the secret- I wanna hear it, too!
Hey I wanted to finally come and respond when I got the chance.. It's lunch hour.. I lost almost 30 pounds then gained 15 back.. I hit rock bottom and turned my pride over to a personal trainer. I am tired of trying to do it myself so I will atlerast have someone to blame if it doesnt work. I will try to get the routine down so I can share with my friends and family.. I am in sooo much pain and sore from the last two sessions.. If this works I will swear by personal trainers for the rest of my life!! They told me it is all about weight training - a lil about cardio and diet.. The more you build your muscles the faster your metabolism gets geared up and you will burn calories in your sleep!
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