Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Engagement

So people want to know how it happened. We were vacationing just south of Cancun, Mexico. We had been there three days, so an engagement was far from my mind. We had taken sailing lessons the day before and decided to try out what we had learned. I started driving and freaked out. We had seen a giant jelly fish the day before and I just kept picturing us tipping over and me getting attacked by the jelly fish. I was very upset and said, "I am done. Just get me out of here. I just want to go back to shore." I probably threw a few curse words in there too. I was terified. Kevin takes over and gets us going towards shore and says, "Can you hold this for me?" as he is reaching in his pocket.

"Hold what?" I say. "You're the one with the pockets." I am holding on the the sailboat so tight my fingers are changing colors. I wasn't about to let go to hold something.

He pulls a box out of his pocket and says, "Will you marry me?" Suddenly I wasn't so scared of jelly fish anymore.