Monday, March 2, 2009

Pittser Reunion!

So, check it out (I've been watching too much American Idol I'm starting to sound like Randy). I'm packing up my cutest, sexiest outfits and heading to Las Vegas on Friday the 13th of March to begin the week and a half long celebration of my 30th birthday. It's a big deal ya'll. You only turn thirty once. My 20th birthday blew because my family showed up the night before (when you go out at midnight) to tell me that my father had passed away. Thank God I was of legal drinking age, but let's face it. That 's enough bad news to ruin a whole decade of birthdays. So, this year, for my 30th I'm heading to Vegas to see the Vegas Pittsers. My sister, Tiffany, is taking me and my brother, Aaron, who I haven't seen in 6? years is meeting us there. I am soooo excited. I can not tell you how much fun we always have when we are together. Growing up with two brothers and two sisters all under one roof, you can imagine the kind of trouble that we got into. My favorite story is the time my mom and dad got us an RV and decided to travel the US in style. They took us on a leisurely drive through the mountains of Colorado to enjoy the fresh smell of Pine trees and enjoy the rushing waters of the Colorado river. All was well until my pet turtle died on the way. Trying to get me to stop crying (and maybe to prevent the smell of dead turtle from permeating the RV) my parents decide to pull over and let me choose the proper bury spot to lay my little friend to rest. I remember choosing a beautiful little nook next to the beautiful running water looking up over the most beautiful mountain peak tops. As I was finishing the burial, I hear loud cursing and smell something burning from a short distance. As I climb back on the road I notice my brother(s?) have caught the mountain on fire during my burial....we piled in and drove on.
These are the moments I look back on and can't wait to start my own family. Sure we might catch a few mountains on fire along the way, but someday we will look back and wish we were there again.
More to come on the Pittser Reunion! Hide your lighters and matches Tasha!


Tasha said...

I was JUST thinking about you yesterday, and how you have T-minus 4 weeks left of your 20s. Wow! I know your 30s are going to be awesome. And I am totally laughing about the boys setting the mountain on fire. Nice. Matt was telling me last weekend what a perfect kid he was....Umm, does this not count, then? Haha

Woot! Cant wait to see you!

PorkStar said...

... and then start noticing body changes the next day, right the next day, watch, you just watch lol

Tasha said...

I gave you an award. Come lookie.