Table visits. Oh how I love them. I just get so excited every time I hear the words, "I think they're pretty mad, you should go talk to them." If I had a tail it would tuck itself in between my legs as I slowly and reluctantly take the long steps to the mad guests who are dining in my restaurant. I've been cussed at, had things thrown at me, banned from tables and soooo much more. So, today the server tells me, "She's a sweet old lady, but she just isn't happy. She won't eat her food." At first I'm thinking thank goodness she's a sweet old lady. I approach the table, "Hello ladies! How is every thing tasting today?"
Mean Old Lady's friend: She doesn't like her food.
Me: I'm sorry. Can I get you something else?
Mean Old Lady: No.
Me: What's wrong with your food ma'm? (I have to ask these kinds of questions so that I can fix it or prevent it from happening more)
Mean Old Lady: I'm from out of town and I usually go to the Chili's there, and this just doesn't taste right. I DON'T want to talk about it!
Me: Ok, well can I just get you something else?
Mean Old Lady: I said I don't want to talk about it!!!! Now just go away!
While saying this she raises her hand, faces her palm towards me and waves her hand from side to side. And you wonder why I drink.
Dear Sis....That's why I quit the biz. When you have the urge to punch your guests in the stomach, it's time to move on. I think in the end I hated everyone. You have more balls than I.
Big Brother
"No I don't want something else... I just want to be a crotchety old bitch and complain and make people feel like shit. Now that I've done that you can go away..."
Ok so this made me laugh SO hard that Ellee came over to ask me what was so funny. This is exactly why I could never do what you do....I'd go off on everyone and either a) get myself "old lady bitch slapped" or b) fired...or both! :)
Sounds like the 'ole gals were up to something to me...evil mean hags!
Little old ladies are the Devil, excluding my grandmother and yours. It seems that they all want to bitch and gripe and bitch some more.. They want and need and thrive for drama, they have no life. So the only thing they look for in lif is to stir their pots and go home and probably plot what they are going to do tomorrow! EVIL is right sara's sister!!
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